
Myopia Control and Prevention
- Daniel J. Press OD, FCOVD (2022): Effect of 0.01% Atropine Plus Soft Multifocal Contact Lenses on Myopia Progression in Children
- Hui-Ju Lin, Lei Wan, Fuu-Jen Tsai et al. (2014): Overnight Orthokeratology in Controlling Myopia
- Chan KY, Cheung SW, ChoP. (2014): Orthokeratology for slowing myopic progression in a pair of identical twins
- Cho P, Cheung SW. (2012): Retardation of Myopia in Orthokeratology (ROMIO) Study: A 2-year Randomised Clinical Trial
- Jeffrey Cooper, Erica Schulman and Nadine Jamal (2012): Current Status on the Development and Treatment of Myopia
- D.I. Flitcroft (2012): The Complex Interactions of Retinal, Optical, and Environmental Factors in Myopia Aetiology
- Turnbull PR, Munro OJ, Phillips JR (2016): Contact Lens Methods for Clinical Myopia Control
- Peter E. Wilcox, David P. Bartels (2010): Orthokeratology for Controlling Myopia: Clinical Experiences
- Walline JJ, Jones LA, Sinnott LT (2009): Corneal Reshaping and Myopia Progression
Orthokeratology Lens Design and Efficacy
- Rémy Marcotte-Collard, Patrick Simard, Langis Michaud (2018): Analysis of Two Orthokeratology Lens Designs and Comparison of Their Optical Effects on the Cornea
- Gonzalo Carracedo, Cesar Villa-Collar, Alba Martin-Gil, Maria Serramito, Leticia Santamaría (2018): Comparison Between Viscous Teardrops and Saline Solution to Fill Orthokeratology Contact Lenses Before Overnight Wear
- Chen Z, Xue F, Zhou J, Qu X, Zhou X (2017): Prediction of Orthokeratology Lens Decentration with Corneal Elevation
- Kate Gifford, Paul Gifford, Peter L. Hendicott, Katrina L. Schmid (2017): Near Binocular Visual Function in Young Adult Orthokeratology Versus Soft Contact Lens Wearers
Long-term Orthokeratology Studies
- Miri Na, Aeri Yoo (2018): The Effect of Orthokeratology on Axial Length Elongation in Children with Myopia: Contralateral Comparison Study
- Hiraoka T, Sekine Y, Okamoto F, Mihashi T, Oshika T (2018): Safety and Efficacy Following 10 Years of Overnight Orthokeratology for Myopia Control
- Yueh-Chang Lee, Jen-Hung Wang, Cheng-Jen Chiu (2017): Effect of Orthokeratology on Myopia Progression: Twelve-Year Results of a Retrospective Cohort Study
- T. Kakita, T. Hiraoka, T. Oshika (2011): Influence of Overnight Orthokeratology on Axial Length Elongation in Childhood Myopia
- H.A. Swarbrick, A. Alharbi, K. Watt, E. Lum (2010): Overnight Orthokeratology Lens Wear Slows Axial Eye Growth in Myopic Children
- Cho P, Cheung SW, Edwards M (2005): The Longitudinal Orthokeratology Research in Children (LORIC) in Hong Kong: A Pilot Study on Refractive Changes and Myopic Control
- Jacinto Santodomingo-Rubido, CésarVilla-Collar, Bernard Gilmartin, Ramón Gutiérrez-Ortega (2012): Myopia Control with Orthokeratology Contact Lenses in Spain (MCOS): Study Design and General Baseline Characteristics
Safety and Complications
- Annechien E. G. Haarman; Clair A. Enthoven; J. Willem L. Tideman; Milly S. Tedja; Virginie J. M. Verhoeven; Caroline C. W. Klaver (2020): The Complications of Myopia: A Review and Meta-Analysis
- Ka Wai Kam, Wing Yung, Gabriel Ka Hin Li, Li Jia Chen, Alvin L. Young (2017): Infectious Keratitis and Orthokeratology Lens Use: A Systematic Review
- Cheung SW, Cho P (2017): Does a Two-Year Period of Orthokeratology Lead to Changes in the Endothelial Morphology of Children?
- Russell Lowe, Laura Downie (2011): Overnight Corneal Reshaping for the Correction of Childhood Myopia: A Single Case Study
- BMC Ophthalmol 2023 Apr 03;23(1)136, J Ruan, Y Zhang, Y Chen: Influence of Overnight Orthokeratology Lens Wear on Tear Film and Meibomian Glands in Children With Myopia
Visual Quality and Quality-of-Life Measures
- Jacinto Santodomingo-Rubido, César Villa-Collar, Bernard Gilmartin, Ramón Gutiérrez-Ortega (2013): A Comparison of Vision-Related Quality-of-Life Measures Between Orthokeratology Contact Lenses and Single-Vision Spectacles
Discontinuation and Refractive Surgery
- Kang P, Swarbrick H (2017): Discontinuation of Long Term Orthokeratology Lens Wear and Subsequent Refractive Surgery Outcome